Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflections on Returning

Oh, Paris, you've been so good to me these past 4 months. I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow. I am prepared to throw a fit and cause a scene on the airplane, all the way home. The sunglasses will be worn, at the very least.

I've been running around and doing things right up until the end. I had class this morning, in which I gave my oral presentation that basically counted as my final grade in a class we did NOTHING in all semester. I think it went well, though. Our huge end-of-internship papers were due on Wednesday so I turned that it and feel good about getting a 16-page paper off my chest! I didn't mind writing it because it was just all about my internship--what I did, and a it about the website; not hard at all.

Yesterday Em and I went back to the Musee d'Orsay, because I have not been there since the second week of the semester. I had wanted to see it one last time. It's so weird to think about seeing things for "one last time." I wanted to go back to the gardens, like Luxembourg and the Tuileries, but it is just too cold outside,'s snowing! Not at this moment, but it snowed for the first time of the season yesterday :) It doesn't usually snow here in December so it was a big deal for the French people. So it would be a little too freezing to take a stroll outside. Oh well, guess I'll just have to come back sometime when it's spring time! Michelle left for Denmark for break yesterday so I helped her pack and we said our goodbyes. They were quick and (theoretically) painless. It's better when it just happens so one is running to get off the metro before the doors close; little time to really stop and think, Wow, I will not see you for 9 months. Needless to say, I am going to miss everyone here like CRAZY. I am going to miss every little minute detail of this city and of my semester here. I'm also going to miss Europe in general, and I have such great memories of the trips and traveling I've been able to do.

Yesterday when Em and I were walking around a town just outside Paris, where we decided to explore for lunch, we both got pelted with snowballs that a French boy was throwing as unassuming pedestrians from his second-story window! I wasn't even upset, I could only laugh! I think it's hysterical, except for when he dumped a HUGE amount of snow on the heads of some other people. The little punk. Today I also went to Rue Denoyez in Belleville, which is pretty well-known for its graffiti all up and down the buildings and walls. It was SO COOL. And guys who were tagging were there, dressed in some weird costumes. They were being filmed, maybe for a movie! It was so cool. Did I already mention that? :) The street is so creative and beautiful and artful.

I already have a list of things that I have to do the next time I get back here, whenever that is. You know what? I am at peace. I have done and seen so much this semester. I have learned so much about myself and have gained a lot of independence. I hope I can hold onto it while I'm back home and not feel stunted. I'm sure it will be nice to be home and there are so many things and people I look forward to seeing!

I love Paris. It is my city. And I will be back one day. (expect a post-return entry soon!)

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