Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Frog and Rosbif

This post doesn't have a lot of really important updates or information; it's just a sneak-peek into my weekend, which was very nice! I figure a few "normal" (meaning, what day spending a semester abroad in Paris is "normal"?!) day-in-the-life entries are good to have, too. Also, please ignore my horrendous spelling and typing issues! I didn't realize it was so bad...

Friday I had class from 9-12 in the morning. I haven’t been in this class in forever, for various reasons (oooh does that sound mysterious? It’s really not; more of a combination of Theirry being sick and weekend trips!). But luckily we had a "field trip" day around Paris, so it was better than sitting in a classroom for 3 straight hours. Though it was cold, we had blue skies and sun so I enjoyed being outside! We walked around Belleville, which is an area not too far from where I live, in the 19th/20th arrondissements. Parts of the area are a little more run-down, and it's very working-class, but it's also the most originally "French" area in the whole city. Plus, the park at Belleville is the highest point, land-wise, in the whole city! (Walking up the steps of Sacre Coeur is technically higher, but as for landmass, Belleville wins). The view of Paris was so gorgeous, but what was the most striking was that it made the city look so close! The Eiffel Tower looked like it was two feet away when it is really on the other side of the city. We had the park to ourselves with no other tourists, which was a plus. Thierry even took us out to get tea and hot chocolate, which was really nice on a cold, autumn morning.

After class I went out to Chinese food with Max, Michelle, and John, which was nice though I am a sesfood-phobe and the presence of shrimp in my wonton soup rendered it inedible to me. Then we parted ways and I got to see some things that I’d had on my list, like Parc Monceau. Some of my friends in the foyer had gone and they said they loved it and it was beautiful. I took the metro there and decided to see for myself. It’s too small to be even compared to the iconic gardens like Luxembourg or to the Tuileries, but it was gorgeous! I was there as the sun was starting to set too, which made it even more beautiful and calming. I sat on a bench by the water and wrote in my journal. I went home after to study a little before my study date with Megan, because we had a final the next day for our Sorbonne class. I also did some more back at the foyer with Emily and John since their advanced-level class notes are very helpful. It didn't feel like a Friday night at all, more like a Tuesday, because of all the studying we were doing.

Saturday I got to sleep a little later, until 8:30! I did some studying with John and Emily when I got back to the foyer, before we headed off to the final around 12:30 (the final was at 2). Of course we were there early but it was good to have some last-minute studying time. It was also nice to be reunited with my class friends...I'm actually going to miss a lot of them! Julia, Monica and I all went in together and we sat in the front row of the cold auditorium. The final was HARD. Some parts weren't too bad, maybe a little tricky, but the listening comprehension was so hard, and everyone agreed afterwards. So we're all in the same boat. I think I did ok, but I know I just had no idea for some questions. It took about 2 hours, though we were given 3. I checked my answers over a bunch of times, but then just wanted to get out of there! It’s really weird to know that I am now officially done with the Sorbonne. It’s kind of sad, actually. Though I wasn’t wild about my class, it was still a great experience, and I met some great people. We all congregated after the test and talked about it. Some people are leaving in a couple days since their program is over, so when they left it was kind of like, "ok, bye, I’ll probably never see you again." :( I hate change and I hate when good things come to an end.

Monica, Julia and I had plans to meet up with Courtney and Leanne at Patrick’s, an Irish pub, for dinner. Yes, another Greece reunion! I really love this group of the 5 of us :) As we were walking by Saint Michel there was a man playing guitar and singing songs on the street and he attracted huge group of people. He was really good! I love street performers; I find them so endearing. Even if someone can’t sing very well, I think it’s so sweet that they want to share their music with others. I feel the same way about the performers in the subway…if they’re really good, then I might give them some money. Once, Emily and I started singing with a woman on the metro who sang, “Killing me Softly” almost as well as Lauryn Hill herself! Anyway, the man was singing some Beatles songs and Sting and Stand By Me! The whole crowd was singing and clapping along and it was just so nice. I loved looking around the crowd and seeing all of the people joining in together, whether they knew the music or not. People from all different backgrounds could come together and express themselves and have fun and it was really something to see music b ringing everyone together. It was one of those “Wow, I’m going to miss this place” moments. :)

Dinner was really nice! There was a football (erm, soccer) game on the big TV in the pub and a lot of people came in to watch it. I think the business was really good for Patrick’s, which has been hitting hard times. It was so nice to have everyone together again, even if only for a little. We parted ways after dinner and I went back to the foyer where Emily, Natalia, and Kat were all in Em's room. We hung out for a little, then decided to go out and try to find dessert. We went to a cafe near our foyer but it wasn't very good because they ran out of the dessert I wanted and the guy was kind of mean. I don’t think we’ll be going back there any time soon. O[Oh, well...Kat and Natalia left after that, and Em and I were in my room. We had run into our friend Philippe earlier and he wanted to go out, so we met up with him and his friend (I don't remember his name, but he lives in the foyer, too) and we went to a pretty popular bar called the Frog and Princess. there were sooo many people in there and it was so hot. I was pretty tired before we went out so I hadn’t wanted to stay out late or go far from the foyer, but we did both those things! haha. I had a coke! One drink a night is good enough for me, and I had a White Russian at dinner. Ok, keep all jokes to yourself, please! Haha. We left a little after 1 to come back home. I’m glad I went out for a little…it was a good way to end the academic semester!

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